Matthew Cornell

Matthew Cornell's intimate oil paintings explore the very American landscapes of suburbs and coastlines. As a child he lived in many different parts of the United States because of his family's frequent moves, and this became an inspiration for his intimate glimpses of small towns, street corners, and roadside sights. He often captures his subjects at dawn or dusk, with house and street lights glowing against changing skies.
Matthew Cornell received an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts from the University of California, Long Beach. His work has been exhibited in New York, Boston, and Santa Fe, and included in international art fairs such as ArtMIAMI and the AAF Contemporary Art Fair in New York.

Please call or email the gallery for prices and availability.
Matthew Cornell
oil on panel
6 1/2 x 9"
16.5 x 22.9 cm.
Matthew Cornell
Our Town
oil on panel
8 x 8"
20.32 x 20.32 cm.
Matthew Cornell
oil on panel
8 x 8"
20.32 x 20.32 cm.
Matthew Cornell
Randy's BBQ
oil on panel
6 3/4 x 10 1/2"
17.15 x 26.67 cm.
Matthew Cornell
After the Game
oil on panel
7 x 7"
17.8 x 17.8 cm.


William Baczek Fine Arts    36 Main St.    Northampton MA    (413) 587-9880